KIVA 2025


A Global Pilgrimage for Peace and Unity

*Organized by Raíces de la Tierra


KIVA 2025


A Global Pilgrimage for Peace and Unity

“Organized by Roots of the Earth”

Fundraising Campaigndonate here


Join the pilgrimage: KIVA 2025


Join the pilgrimage


who are we?



Roots of the Earth is a global non-profit organization dedicated to preserving and spreading the native knowledge of ancestral traditions through the KIVA ceremony. For over 40 years this ceremony has been held in America and has expanded to Europe and Asia, bringing together more than 700 leaders from indigenous communities.


Roots of the Earth was born from the vision of linking ancestral cultures from different territories across the globe. Our aim is to share the traditional indigenous wisdom of the knowledge keepers worldwide through four primary legacies: the sweat lodge, vision quest, sun dance, and the KIVA ceremony. These ceremonies travel the world, providing spiritual service and fostering connections and bridges between indigenous worldviews and modern societies. They bring together all races, languages, prayers, and songs.


Our history dates back to the 1960s, inspired by the vision of Raimundo Tigre Pérez, an indigenous elder and knowledge keeper. He was a passionate advocate for the rights of indigenous peoples and the preservation and rights of Mother Earth and all life on it. His spiritual legacy is to unify diverse worldviews through the KIVA ceremony.

We are currently present in 13 countries, working within communities to preserve ancestral traditions for future generations.


The mission of Roots of the Earth is to make indigenous traditions visible and honour ancestral cultures that understand the important of respecting and living in harmony with nature and all beings.  

We are a collaborative network that promotes projects of:

  • Care and defense of the territory.
  • Safeguarding nature.
  • Rescue of native languages and cultural heritage.
  • Recognizing, accepting, and honoring the belonging of indigenous peoples.
  • Making visible the political and historical wounds of dispossession of indigenous peoples.
  • Support for cultural integration.
  • Healthy and sustainable economies.

Objectives of Roots of the Earth:

  • Support the realization of traditional spiritual ceremonies, their conservation, and expansion to the five continents.
  • Empower the opening of peoples and guardians of indigenous knowledge to share knowledge, culture, tradition, spirituality, and worldview.
  • Strengthen the importance of traditional knowledge and the intimate relationship with nature.
  • Support the creation of dignified economies for indigenous communities participating in this spiritual-cultural movement.
  • Welcome and support new generations with hope, strength, and respect.
  • Create intercultural meeting spaces for the whole family.


Raymundo tigre perez (1946 -1995)

Raymundo Tigre Pérez, was a Medicine Man and Holy Man of the “Red Path”, raised in Texas. He was involved in the spiritual way of life of different reservations of the natives from North America and the great Nation Lakota.
It was during a ceremony that Raymundo Tigre Pérez had a vision, Mother Earth was sad and crying because her children had separated themselves from her and forgotten their traditions and the languages she has given to each village. He saw how the Earth opened up and formed a circle with a fire inside, from one direction beings from different places, colors and races walked in; praying in their native languages, placing their offerings in the fire for Mother Earth, who ceased to cry and began to sing songs of joy at seeing her children reunited again, bringing healing to the entire planet.

Raymundo Tigre Pérez dedicated his life to teach the essence and importance of the spirituality of Native America and was a unifier between the original nations. He fought passionately for the rights of native people and Latin American immigrants in the United States of America.
His work with the Kivas was recognized by the Native American Council in 1995 by awarding him with an Intertribal chief bonnet (the one in this photo) at the end of a Kiva ceremony that year, which served as his farewell to this physical plane; that same night he joined the stars.


    Join the pilgrimage

    In February and March 2025, over 25 representatives from ancestral communities will embark on a historic pilgrimage across the five continents, aiming to deliver a profound message of peace and unity for humanity.

    In today’s increasingly individualistic societies, we have lost our sense of unity and collaboration. To address this, various representatives of ancestral communities will come together for a historic pilgrimage across the five continents. Through a sacred ceremony called the KIVA, they will share a message of peace and unity through their voices – words, songs and prayers. 

    These diverse indigenous peoples will make a 45-day journey across the five continents, travelling together to form a circle of protection for humanity. This journey aims to unite all races in a single prayer for Mother Earth.


    This is a CALL for you. We invite you to  join this ceremony that transcends borders and highlights the value of diversity, unity, and generosity. It is time to restore the Earth’s balance, walking in harmony with her as one big family.

    WHEN & WHERE: February – March 2025 / 5 CONTINENTS
    EUROPE: ITALY February 6-9
    ASIA: INDIA February 13-16
    AMERICA: CHILE March 20-23

    “Let us walk together in honor and respect for all our relations”

    native leaders


    “When the Golden Thread was bound and stretched, it connected the 5 continents of the Earth into one. The surrounding was only water; it was like giving birth to Mother Earth’s baby with all the continents inside the water-filled womb. The dividing lines disappeared and the frontiers were erased. A spiralling energy full of joy and harmony came out, and a voice that made me vibrate told me to strive for it. It’s time to do it, and the faces of the different beings of Mother Earth came out with smiles and a crystalline look of light and love.”

    Heriberto Villaseñor – Director Raíces de la Tierra




      His aim is to reconnect people again with Mother Earth and the standing people, the dryads, to teach everybody who wants to know how to communicate with the natural world.

      Through a close relationship with the tree dryads, the standing people, living here long before us, all of us can learn a lot: new gates are opened and a lot of food for thought is given.

      Dusty sees himself as an ambassador of the tree nation and opens the path way to the spirit world of the dryads.


      Máttaráhkká (Great-Grandmother), Noijd

      She walks the shamanic tradition of the ancestors’ heritage from Sápmi, the northern parts of Sweden, Russia and Finland. An old traditions from the Roots, which partly have been protected and hidden in silence.

      With a deep gratitude to her call she shares with us Ancient Wisdom from the North. The journey in life, a journey into the Roots, a journey with an unknown destination.

      ”Let us come together and unify, and unify with ourselves in our heart. We are all gifted; all is inside us in our own unique temple. We are a child of Mother Earth. So let us walk, pray and go centered, solid together and be one voice for the world.”

      „Blue Eagle Crystal Eye“

      With an overview like an eagle and her blue crystal clear eyes, she is one of the most experienced wisdom-keepers of the northern-eurasian tradition.

      Practicing sweat lodges, in the service of light, over 20 years.

      Blue Eagle Crystal Eye travelled the world bringing medicine wheels, crystals and water ceremonies to many sacred places.

      With her motherhood devotion and her grounded roots she lead us the way to the heart space of the new time.

      “Let Mother Nature guide you and your steps become seeds of love”


      Oceanian Leaders


      African Leaders


      American Leaders

      Heriberto Villaseñor

      is the Director of Roots of the Earth, Mexico, Chile, Colombia, Austria, Peru and Holland. A disciple of Raymundo Tigre Perez, and Dancer of the Sun of Big Mountain. At the moment he is the guardian of the sacred fire in the Kiva ceremony of Roots of the Earth, where indigenous leaders of different peoples from the five continents congregate to pray and promote universal conscience across the planet. This ceremony, inherited from the vision of Raymundo Tigre Perez, is currently carried out.

      Nubia Rodriguez

      Born in Colombia, Nubia Rodriguez is a midwife and Teopantli Kalpulli Circle Dance trainer in Mexico. As a perinatal educator, therapist and women’s circle guide, she will be sharing her twenty-five years of experience in guiding native ceremonies such as the temazcal (sweat lodge).

      Don Alfonso

      He is better known by his spiritual name Xikawery (‘He who hits the target’ in Wixarrika) and has over twenty-five years of experience as a traditional medicine man, guide, and elder of the Wixarrika Nation, commonly known as Huicholes.

      The Wixarrika Nation are one of the oldest ethnic groups of Mexico and although their currently held lands are in the fair northern mountains of Jalisco, they trace their origins homelands back here to the Bay of Bandereas.

      Xikawery’s practice is concentrated on maintaining the sacred balance of life and nature with a focus on the ceremonially significant corn, deer, and peyote, which are especially revered by his people.


      He has participated in many culture and nature oriented events throughout Mexico and elsewhere around the world, especially in Europe and South America.


      Arhuaca Nation, Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta 

      Spiritual Arhuaca leader, named Samunpawiun (Liberator of the Earth) and pilgrim of the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta, Colombia. 

      Lorenzo Seuny Izquierdo is a representative of the council of the 4 tribes of the Elder Brothers (Arhuacos, Wiwas, Kogis y Kankuamos). Since 2008, he has begun to build the great Kunkurwa Temple for people of all genders, ages, colors, and races.  Believing that we are all native to the Earth, he promotes the unification of all the nations of America and of Mother Earth.

      Chief of the fire of Roots of the Earth, a ceremony that unifies the traditional nations of the planet. During this ceremony, the fire has been seeded in Mexico, Colombia, Chile, Peru, and Austria. He was a co-founder of the United Nations of the Spirit in 2015 for the Kiva of the Roots of the Earth in Colombia.


      Martina Mamani


      Guardian of the Andean Tradition and the Wiracocha Temple of the Moon


      Martina Mamani is a teacher of the ancient Andean tradition and a keeper of the Wiracocha temple in Raqchi, Cusco (Perú). Her family lineage have been protecting this sacred space for several generations and her name represents “Messenger of the Star”. She teaches to the communities in her region permaculture, farming techniques that were passed on by her ancestors. She travels around the world as a voice for Mother Earth and participates in the Huamanwasi Andean ceremonies offering her love and wisdom. 


      She is becoming one of the most important and respected spiritual leaders of Peru, performing the Sacred offering ceremonies, coca leaf readings, cleansing baths and healing circles. She founded the Siwaq Qoyllur healing center which hosts individual and group sessions, retreats, and ceremonies.


      Milo Yellowhair 

      Oglala Lakota Nation


      Milo Yellowhair was born and raised in the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota and acts as a  representative and spokesperson of the Lakota. He is a veteran and activist of the AIM (American Indian Movement) and coordinates various NGOs that help provide the basic needs of the Oglala Lakota community. He was Vicepresident of the Oglala Lakota Nation and at the moment leads an initiative to reunite the 9 Lakota Sioux Reservations (Pte Oyate, Buffalo Nation) into one common front for historical talks with the US Government that aims at preserving and returning the holy lands to his people.

      Asian Leaders

      pilgrimage through the 5 continents / FEBRUARY – MARCH 2025



      The KIVA ceremony is a sacred four-day event that brings together spiritual manifestations from around the world in one place.

      Representing the heart of the Earth, a sacred circle is formed where the prayers of different races and their diverse traditions and all forms of communication with the cosmos and life converge. 

      Through the sounds of prayers, rituals, storytelling, and the universal language of the spirit, the KIVA ceremony weaves a bond of understanding that reminds us – despite our differences – of our unity as one human family, deeply linked to the destiny of our planet.

      “The main objective of the Kiva ceremony is to heal the relationship between humans and nature. Humanity is increasingly moving away from harmonious coexistence with our Mother Earth. This saddened her greatly. That is why she gave humans the Kiva ceremony through Raimundo Tigre Pérez. We gather elders, healers, monks, and shamans from the five continents. Special people who have brought compassion, love, awareness, or simply being one with creation to a level of mastery. They can be Buddhists, Indian healers, priestesses, etc. All bring their prayers and traditions to the ceremony. The possibilities are as varied as nature itself. Through their individual prayer, together in the Kiva, they bring healing to the world. Their example is an inspiration. All visitors support them in their prayers and experience that we are all one big family, together celebrating unity in diversity.”

        Heriberto Villaseñor – Director raíces de la tierra


        the 5 FEATHERS

        The story of the feathers of the birds, in our culture of the spiritual world, is when an ideal, dream, vision goes beyond the human power of earth. And the mission is going to touch higher ideals of the spiritual kingdom of the heavens. And it represents when decorating or recognizing someone for their spiritual work in their community or in their tribe whether it is a simple feather or a sacred plume for people who hold ancestral knowledge. And that is where the Kiva, the heart of the earth, calls upon those beings of knowledge to give their encouragement, prayer and support to the beings that live on our mother earth and that call is made to the spiritual beings of the 5 continents, by placing the 5 sacred feathers on the door of the Kiva.

        Now those 5 feathers will go on a pilgrimage collecting their spiritual beings and recovering the ancestral memory of all the spiritual magic that exists in our mother earth to help the welfare of humanity.

          Let´s Talk

          If you have interest in the Pilgrimage and how to support by a direct donation or to talk with us about how you can help please write us and we will contact you.