KIVA italy 2025

6th – 9th February

KIVA ITALY WEBSITEDirect Donation: Email us


italy and the kiva

The European continent has welcomed the Kiva in Austria, Holland and Germany since 2012.
In 2025 the Kiva will arrive in Italy for four years.

The territory that will host the ceremony is located in Tuscany, in the sacred land of the Etruscan ancestors where for eight years the fire of Radici della Terra has guided the Temazcal and Vision Quest ceremonies.
This territory has particular natural characteristics: the sacred volcanic lake of Bolsena, rivers, thermal waters and has hosted countless sacred temples for thousands of years.

In the history of our continent, many different cultures have had as their cult the respect and sacredness of Mother Earth in all her forms.

We feel deeply that through the prayer of the Kiva it will be possible to reawaken and honorar the memory, the wisdom, the root of the profound identity of our territory and encourage the flowering of a new renaissance.


In 1992, Raymundo Tigre Perez called upon Europeans to unite to care for Mother Earth and foster harmony among all beings. His vision of a Kiva in Europe began in Waldviertel, Austria, after 20 years of effort, and has since spread to the Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Portugal, France, and Sweden. The Kiva family has grown through these years, bringing together elders and prayers from all continents to honour cultural roots and spiritual traditions.

The Kiva needs Europe to spread its message of unity, peace, and reverence for the Earth, finding fertile ground in Europe’s diverse cultures and landscapes. Europe, in turn, needs the Kiva to reconnect with ancient wisdom, inspiring a collective effort towards a harmonious future. The Kiva acts as a bridge, healing the bond between humanity, nature, and all life. Weaving the tapestry of hope, peace, inspiration, and love for Mother Earth, for the future, and for the next common generation contributes to global unification.

The Kiva amplifies the voice of Mother Earth, ancestral wisdom, and the spirits, echoing the ancient wisdom intrinsic to Europe’s cultural heritage. It unites diverse prayers and traditions, fostering respect and responsibility towards Mother Earth. Europe’s rich history of honouring the sacredness of nature resonates deeply with the Kiva’s mission, spreading its message across borders and generations.

The Kiva opens the path to reconnecting with our connection with nature and each other, offering a transformative experience of profound understanding and timeless wisdom. It heals the fragmented relationship between humans and the natural world, fostering unity and purpose. The ceremony encourages a new renaissance, rooted in the sacredness of our land and the wisdom of our ancestors, paving the way for a harmonious future.

Europe’s upcoming Kiva in 2025 will arrive in Italy for four years. The ceremonies will be hosted in Tuscany, on the sacred land of the Etruscan ancestors, near the volcanic lake of Bolsena. This land, rich with rivers, thermal waters, and ancient sacred temples, has been a guiding force for the Radici della Terra ceremonies for eight years. Through the prayer of the Kiva, we aim to reawaken and honour the memory, wisdom, and roots of this profound territory, encouraging a new future in harmony for all our relations.



The story of the feathers of the birds, in our culture of the spiritual world, is when an ideal, dream, vision goes beyond the human power of earth. And the mission is going to touch higher ideals of the spiritual kingdom of the heavens. And it represents when decorating or recognizing someone for their spiritual work in their community or in their tribe whether it is a simple feather or a sacred plume for people who hold ancestral knowledge. And that is where the Kiva, the heart of the earth, calls upon those beings of knowledge to give their encouragement, prayer and support to the beings that live on our mother earth and that call is made to the spiritual beings of the 5 continents, by placing the 5 sacred feathers on the door of the Kiva.

Now those 5 feathers will go on a pilgrimage collecting their spiritual beings and recovering the ancestral memory of all the spiritual magic that exists in our mother earth to help the welfare of humanity.

    Let´s Talk

    If you have interest in the Pilgrimage and how to support by a direct donation or to talk with us about how you can help please write us and we will contact you.